Vinvolved Project (2008-2011)
In 2008, Sound Gallery received £120,000 in funding from Vinvolved – The National Youth Volunteering Charity to create new volunteering opportunities in the music industry over the period of 3 years.
According to the Exeter Volunteer Centre, Sound Gallery’s volunteering opportunities provoked the biggest response they had seen in five years!
Over these 3 years Sound Gallery offered the following volunteering opportunities to 100 young people:
Recording studio assistant
Rehearsal studio assistant
Radio presenter and radio producer assistant (in association with PhonicFM)
Marketing assistant
Studio Administrator
Live music showcase and event organiser assistant
and more …
The vinvolved Team Network: Launched in April 2008, vinvolved, the national youth volunteering programme, aims to get half a million more young people positively involved in their communities. vinspired’s England-wide network of 107 vinvolved teams ensured that young people and voluntary organisations could access expert advice and help. As of March 2011, all vinvolved teams came to an end due to cut in government funding.