Delivered by Nick Tarbitt co-founder of Integrity Records Ltd, these sessions provide invaluable advice and knowledge about building and sustaining a career as a professional musician, how to set up your own record label, how to pitch your music to the industry, copyright, airplay, publishing and more

Method of delivery: 1:1 sessions or small groups (up to 10 participants)

Allow 2hrs min per Topic

Costs: contact us for details


Start your own record label – the anatomy of a release: 

Whether releasing your own track or one by a band you know, this seminar takes you through the anatomy of a release, from the recording of a demo through to the promotion of your label’s 1st single on iTunes and Spotify.

Protecting your creation – know your rights:

This seminar aims to explain the core legal principles to enable you and your band to protect the rights in your creative output. It includes basic copyright law, band agreements, video and artwork contracts, and distribution deals.

Building a team – who does what (and for what price):

The seminar explores the popular alternative to signing with a major record label or going completely DIY, namely the building of a team of independent, specialist third parties to assist your progress as an artist/band.

Monetise your music:

Here we explore the different revenue streams which your music may be able to generate, including digital distribution, the role of aggregators, direct distribution (via the likes of Bandcamp), manufacturing physical product (including limited editions), the different ways to approach merchandise, the role of collection societies, and synchronisation (on TV and commercials).

Marketing and promotion:

This seminar concentrates on the core options for the marketing and promotion of your release, including how best to maximise your chances with only a limited budget.

Pitching your music to the industry:

Here, we provide a record label’s and music publisher’s perspective of the dos and don’ts of pitching your music to the music industry. This seminar also includes a live demo feedback session where your demos/ tracks/songs will be reviewed (by special arrangement)

Signing a record deal:

This seminar looks at the different types of record deal that you may be offered (major, indie, exclusive recording contract, finished product licence, 270/360 deals, etc.) along with some of the key clauses that you should look out for (territory, term, label obligations, artist obligations, etc.).

Publishing and sync agency deals:

In this seminar, we consider the different types of deal that are available to exploit and monetise your songs, including songwriter agreements, single song assignments, publishing administration deals and sync agency deals.